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It's that time of year again!!

... and I couldn't be more excited!!  All a-twitter even (nope not a reference to that little blue bird app)!  It's time for pumpkins, sitting by the fireplace with a cup of hot cocoa with marshmallows of course and ... cardigans!!

I decided to go wandering looking for autumn leaves, following the aroma of a wood burning fireplace and found this awesome spot on Rustic Retreat.  It's certainly worth checking it out.

Keeping with the them of embracing the cooler warmer months I thought it was appropriate to bust out a cardigan and came across this absolutely amazeballs cardigan dress from Blueberry.  It comes as a top and sweater combination with 15 colors with an additional 8 colors included in the fatpack.  It's all so customizable that it's a must have for any girl's wardrobe.   Want to wear just the cardigan without the top?  You can do that!!  Want to wear the cardigan and top with jeans (Blueberry jeans of course)?  Yes you can do that too?  Any combination of colors you can think of all go well together with typical Blueberry perfection.  It is available on the marketplace and at the in-world store.  Just a word of warning if you want to go to the in-world store, if it's a release day be patient and persistent, it's worth it!

What I'm wearing and how to get it --

Blueberry - Cutieberry Cardigan .. the link for the in-world store is here

My hair is from Truth, called Athena which was September's VIP group gift - sorry girls but it's only available as the VIP group at this time but you still have three more days to get in the group and get it.  It comes with a full range of colors so no matter what your mood, Truth has it covered.  Here's the link to get to the main store

As usual I'm rocking the Belleza Isis body using the classic tan shade.

Catwa Koura is the bento I use, love love love it because it was so close to the system face I and my hubby have grown to love so it was a no-brainer to get it and with the new update ... what are you waiting for, go get it!!

Of course I've got the raven feathers flying!  Always do, always will -- it's from Etched Art and comes in 3 shades - dark, worn and faded and includes Omega appliers to fit classic avatars, Maitreya and Belleza.  If you've made it this far I'll share something with you lovelies -- I've worn the raven since coming to SecondLife over six years.  The raven is part of me RL and SL hence the name Scarlet Raven.  I find the call of the raven soothing and their intelligence fascinating.


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